Try every day challenge and solve all puzzles for day. Share your progress with friends. Make better score!
The game is available for main mobile device platforms like Apple iOS and Google Android. Find it in your app store.
Check also Game mode. You can play infinitive games for all levels. Neverending playing!
Every day you get 9 new puzzles to solve. One game for each level. Say the daily challenge and tell the others.
There are 9 variations of the game. Level 6-14 according to the number of colours you have to sort.
You can share your success in the game with others on social media. Show off your score!
There is also a GAME MODE where you can play as many games as you want for each level.
Keep track of your game stats. Your score for the day, number of moves for each game and other data.
Having trouble solving the puzzle? Share the game with friends or write to us.
Game difficulty
Puzzles to solve
modes of game
1 game average time